Over the years we have built a close relationship with many people in the local Patterdale community; we rely on the goodwill & generosity of the landowners and residents in the valley so try to put something back into the area on an annual basis.

Patterdale School & Nursery

All the catering at the Playing Fields is provided by the Patterdale School Support, the School is a stone’s throw away from the race start & finish and has fewer than 30 pupils. Each year the School Support Group needs to raise over £10,000 to help ensure the survival of the school. The 2021 race raised over £1000 from the refreshments which makes a huge difference to the school funds, so please eat & drink generously it’s all in aid of a good cause!

We have made several donations to the School over the years when we have surplus race funds left over, we are a not-for-profit race and donate back any extra funds that we end up with. After the 2021 race we donated most of our surplus funds to the school in recognition of the difficulties they have had fund-raising during Covid-19.

If anybody would like to make a separate donation to the school you can get in touch with them via the Patterdale School website.

Glenridding Village Hall

The Village Hall in Glenridding plays a central role in community life within the Patterdale valley. It is a registered charity and serves as a central point for the many functions and events that take place across the calendar year. Like many other properties close to the centre of Glenridding the Public Hall was badly affected by the effect of Storm Desmond, but since then regular fund-raising events, as well as much time and hard work, have had a dramatic effect on improving the fabric of the building and it is a real credit to the area. We were happy to support Glenridding Public Hall with a donation of £250 after the 2019 race which we know was very gratefully received and put to good use.

Click here to read more about Glenridding Village Hall

Landowners & Farmers

There are many individual landowners & farmers that we rely on each year without whose cooperation the race could not take place. These include Robin & Andrea Taylforth (of Side Farm), Eric & Alan Weir (at Hartsop), Robert McCosh (Dalemain Estates), Chris & Jimmy Brown (Deepdale Hall), Jimmy Hodgson (at Hartsop Hall) and Kirkstone Inn. Please make sure you respect their land by sticking to footpaths when in the valley areas & following marked routes when you are supposed to!

Fix the Fells

Natural England, The Lake District National Park Authority (LDNPA) and The National Trust generously allow us to organise our relay race, which means all our runners get to enjoy the terrain around the Patterdale valley, making it one of the largest fell-running event in the Lakes.

We all have a responsibility to look after the land that we use, and some of our route crosses Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI’s). To help mainatin and restore mountain paths in the Lake District, in 2021 we have made a £100 donation to Fix the Fells , and you can make your own donation at the same website should you wish.

Patterdale Mountain Rescue Association

Patterdale MRA are based opposite the Playing Fields. The team cover an area of 140 km2 and we have been greatly indebted to their assistance on the occasions that have demanded it during the running of the race (fortunately not too frequently!). In 2019 we made a £100 donation to their funds.

You can support Patterdale Mountain with your own donations, you never know when you might need their help. Patterdale MRT

Marshals & helpers

Those of you who help organise races will know the large debt we owe to the volunteers (because that’s what they are) who help us out with marshaling the race route. Come sunshine or come rain they wilfully man check-points in sometimes exposed places & lousy weather; they also provide their time & travel costs free-of-charge, for which we are incredibly grateful.

John Muir Trust

The John Muir Trust recently took responsibility for managing the land around Helvellyn known as Glenridding Common which encompasses the summit, Striding Edge and Swirral Edge. Their work is specifically aiming to protect the local ecosystem and we are delighted to support their fund raising for the first time in 2018 with a donation of £250. You can read more about their work here and make a voluntary donation if you wish.

John Muir Trust – Glenridding Common