Here is a pdf copy of the final race information that was sent out to all Clubs for the 2023 race. The 2024 version will be published in September 2024.

Important Final Details 2023 (pdf)

You can find additional information on the race at the following pages, including the important bits you need to do at Registration before the start of the race at 9.30am.




The Hodgson Brothers Mountain Relay is run in accordance with FRA Rules and some additional ones that are specific to this race. Team Captains are responsible for ensuring that all their runners know the Race Rules and abide by them.  Any runner failing to follow these Rules will cause the disqualification of their Team….. there are no exceptions and no excuses.

  1. The HBMR race is run under the rules and governance of the Fell Runners Association.
  2. Minimum age of all competitors is 18 years on day of race. (Please note that on Leg 1 only one runner can be Under 18/Over 16 as long as their partner is over 18). You must use the FRA Parental Consent Form if the the runner is under 18 yrs of age. There is no flexibility on runners under 16 yrs of age, not even by one day.
  3. All runners must carry a compass and whistle as well as Waterproof full body cover (taped seams and attached hood), hat and gloves and emergency food.
  4. Each pair must provide and carry a map of at least 1:40,000 scale and both runners must know how to navigate in crap Lakeland weather on the hills.
  5. GPS devices are NOT allowed as a navigation aid in this race; that includes loading check-points, following gpx routes etc. By all means carry one to use in an emergency or to clock your run, but using them for navigation is strictly against the spirit of this event and its ethos as a race when it was first started some 30 years ago. It was intended to set a navigation challenge and that’s how it will stay! Any competitor using GPS for navigation is expected to declare themselves as non-competitive.
  6. Bumbags/kit/maps cannot be passed on at changeover.
  7. Kit checks will be carried out in accordance with FRA Rules.
  8. Parts of the competition are over dangerous ground and all competitors take part at their own risk.
  9. Runners must stay in pairs at all times. This means within close sight & hearing distance. Teams have been disqualified in past races for not running together, don’t let it be you.
  10. It is the duty of all competitors to help any runner in need of assistance.
  11. It is against the spirit of the Relay for non-competitors to provide navigational assistance.
  12. Please observe the Country Code.
  13. Checkpoints are detailed on the Leg Routes page and each checkpoint must be visited by both runners. SPORTident timing is used and teams must dib in the recording box sited at each checkpoint. Runners must wear their race number on their chest and show it to marshals when asked – this is how we monitor the race.
  14. All Teams must consist of 8 different runners – no doubling up on different legs.
  15. Team members must be 1st claim runners for their club and wear club vests
  16. If your Team retire from the race you MUST report to Race HQ at the Start / Finish even if you have informed a Marshall of your retirement.
Fell Runners Association
The Hodgson Brothers Mountain Relay is organised under a race license from the Fell Runners Association